Eva Rievajová, Andrej Přívara - WS-PS MODEL AS A THEORETICAL BASIS FOR FLEXICURITY POLICY (Model WS-PS ako teoretickýá základ flexiistoty)
Abstract: The unfavourable performance of the EU labour markets in the 1990’s was generally blamed on their high rigidity. International organisations (particularly OECD) nowadays bring employment-related recommendations which are based on WS-PS Model. The authors of the paper argue that since this model provides various solutions to reduce the unemployment rate, and since it focuses on institutional factors of the labour market, it remains relevant also in the present period of flexicurity policy implementation.
Keywords: WS-PS model, rigidity of the labour market, flexicurity, institutional factors, EU labour markets
JEL: C 32, E 24
str./p. 388-402
Zuzana Brinčíková - MOŽNOSTI VYUŽITIA SYSTÉMU FLEXIISTOTY V SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKE – POROVNANIE S DÁNSKO (Possibilities of Applying the Flexicurity System in the Slovak Republic – Comparison with Denmark)
Abstract: The present-day period of globalization, fast economic development and world economic crisis is accompanied with a lot of changes in the labour market. An increasing number of people without jobs and incomes has negative impacts on the entire economy, creates social tension and endangers public finances. One of the potential and perspective solutions is a support of flexibility of labour, which eventuates in a more flexible labour market and results in the increased mobility of labour force. It allows firms to adjust employment to changes in the production conditions in the course of the economic recession, and extends employment possibilities for work force. Flexicurity is characteristic of the entire Danish labour market. Its main contribution is that security and flexibility are not in contradiction, i.e. security is not at the expense of flexibility and vice versa. The core of the Danish flexicurity system is a flexible labour market with an active labour policy and educational policy accompanied with elements which contribute to social security. Several measures in this area have been adopted also in Slovakia, which should advance labour mobility and flexibility of the labour market.
Keywords: flexibility, mobility, labour force, labour market, flexicurity
JEL: J 28, J 60
str./p. 403-417
Ladislav Průša - FINANCOVÁNÍ SLUŽEB SOCIÁLNÍ PÉČE V ČR – TEORETICKÁ VÝCHODISKA A SKUTEČNOST (Financing of Social Care Services in the Czech Republic – TheoreticalStarting-points and Reality )
Abstract: In 2007 there came into force a long-awaited new Act on social services. One of the most significant changes introduced by this Act was a new system of funding of social care services. The aim of the paper, which is based on current data on the structure of the funding of social care services, is to document the basic theoretical background of this system. The aim has not been fulfilled, with the result that the financing system is inefficient and the system of social care services has stagnated. This fact is particularly alarming in view of anticipated demographic trends. In the conclusion basic measures are outlined that could contribute to overcoming existing problems.
Keywords: social care services, funding of social care services, care benefit, subsidies
JEL: H 4, E 6
str./p. 418-438
Igor Melišek - MERANIE A HODNOTENIE MAKROEKONOMICKÝCH VýSLEDKOV ZAHRANIČNÉHO OBCHODU (Towards the Subject of Measurement and Assessment of Macroeconomic Results of Foreign Trade)
Abstract: The paper deals with selected macroeconomic issues of foreign trade. It concentrates primarily on the measurement, assessment and effectiveness of foreign trade and pro-export policy from the macroeconomic perspective, assesses how these phenomena affect economic growth, and describes the methods and formulas of the calculations of individual indicators.
Keywords: foreign trade, competitiveness, comparative advantage, measurement of results of foreign trade, intra-industry trade, Grubel-Lloyd index, contribution to the Trade Balance.
JEL: E 60, F 13, F 14, F 40, O 24
str./p. 439-451
Peter Knapik, Daniel Krajčík - CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FAILURES – CAUSALITY AND CONSEQUENCES (Zlyhania korporátneho riadenia – príčinnosť a dôsledky)
Abstract: The article describes the importance of corporate governance in business for the countries and individual companies; it deals with corporate governance failures and weaknesses (renumeration/incentive systems, risk management practices, the performance of boards, and exercise of shareholder rights) before the economic and fi nancial crisis and opportunities for its improvement. The authors present the implementation of corporate governance principles in business sphere as a very important incentive for foreign investor’s decisions and for infl uencing the quality of business environment. The paper deals with the corporate governance principles and infl uence on the increasing of level of competitiveness, law, regulations, and with acceptance of the importance of control mechanism (audit, rating – misleading or misused, shareholders, stakeholders, and gatekeepers). Further, authors deal with the prevention of the failures of corporate governance (paying attention to good and bad growth) company support to constructive engagement with their shareholders,with the adequacy of corporate governance principles in excessive risk taking, in accounting standards and regulatory requirements and in remuneration systems, and refl ect on the importance of qualifi ed board oversight. The authors consider the causes of the global economic crisis, which they see as a crisis of confi dence and are trying to fi nd some links between the causes of the crisis and the lack of corporate governance.
Keywords: corporate governance, economic crisis, corporate failure
JEL: G 30, G 32
str./p. 452-470
Tomasz Wołowiec, Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica - THE INFLUENCE OF QUALITY VARIABLES ON LOYALTY EFFECT OF NON-LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES’ CUSTOMERS (Vplyv kvalitatívnych premenných na efekt lojálnosti klientov neživotných poisťovní)
Abstract: The aim of the article is to present ways of measuring customer loyalty. The results of this analysis allowed us to differentiate institutional clients of insurers’ services depending on the power of their loyalty. On the basis of this measurement we presented a tool that enables us to indicate the most and the least loyal groups of clients taking into account some assumed features. The article is based on the authors’ research conducted from May to July 2003 on the sample of 739 economic entities.
Keywords: customers loyality, insurers’, variables, selected methods for measuring customer loyalty, loyal groups.
JEL: D 01, D 12
str./p. 471-488
Miloš Bikár - OTÁZKY RIEŠENIA DLHOVEJ KRÍZY V EUROZÓNE (Development of Global Economy and Euro Zone Debt Crisis)
Abstract: The paper deals with the analyses and predictions of the global economy development and the policies that have been proposed to solve the financial and sovereign debt crisis in Europe, against the backdrop of what the real underlying problems are, i.e. extreme differences in competitiveness; the absence of growth strategy; sovereign, household and corporate debt at high levels in the very countries that are the least competitive; and in banks that have become too large and are driven by dangerous trends in capital markets banking. The paper explains how counterparty risk spreads between banks, and how the sovereign and banking crises serve to exacerbate each other. Of all the policies proposed, the paper highlights those that are coherent and stresses the magnitudes involved if the euro is not to
Key words: fiscal consolidation, financial reform, counterparty risk, sovereign debt, credit derivatives, cross-border exposure, collateral, monetary policy.
JEL: E 58, F 34, G 15, G 18, H 60
str./p. 489-499
Abstract: In this paper we deal with airport slots allocation, which is one of the most topical issues of air transport development in Europe at the moment. Allocation of airport slots is analysed through its economic dimension, and via revealing an airport capacity as a limited economic source. In the paper we confront the valid system of airport slots allocation within the European Union against the new European Commission legislative initiative. We discuss posssible implications of the proposed legislation on functioning of air transport market, depicting possible controversial effects of the new proposed system, which are seen in lower fl exibility, inconsistency and unresolved collision of national and supranational interests.
Keywords: airport, capacity, slot, secondary trading, allocation, European Union, auction, effectiveness, coordination, quality
JEL: L 13, L 41, L 93
str./p. 500-508
Nadežda Jankelová - MIŠÚNOVÁ HUDÁKOVÁ, I.: Zdokonaľovanie strategického manažmentu. (Improving Strategic Management) Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2012. 106 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3458-1.
JEL: Y 30
str./p. 509
Dana Bajusová - Regions in Motion – Breaking the Path 52. kongres Európskej asociácie regionálnej vedy v Bratislave (The 52nd Congress of the European Association for Regional Science in Bratislava)
str./p. 510-511
Vladimír Choluj - HUSÁR, J. – LALUHA, I. – PETRENKA, J. edit.: Spomienky a príbehy z dejín Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave (1940 – 2010). Bratislava: SPRINT 2 s. r. o, 2012, 332 s., ISBN 978-80-89393-60-2.
str./p. 511-512